Friday, November 7, 2008

Daily Bread

This past week, there was a discussion on the Reformed Baptist Discussion List on daily devotions/quiet times. You would not think such a topic would cause controversy. Now, some of the controversy was due to issues of semantics. Some on the list said they had a set time for prayer but it was not a "quiet time." But I think the whole point of the issue was being missed. And I say this from my own experience and from what I have heard from others over and over again: we must not confuse "fruit issues" with "root issues."

The Christian walk is a supernatural one. We cannot live a day, an hour, of our Christian life apart from God's grace and Spirit. In my thinking, the question is not "am I explicitly commanded in the Scriptures to have a time set apart each day in God's Word and in prayer?" Rather, the question is, "How can we survive without setting aside time to spend with God? And why would we not want to? Do we hunger and thirst for God's Word? And if not, why not?" Granted, sometimes we don't feel like it, but then again sometimes we don't feel like being patient or feel like denying ourselves. And it's those times that I don't feel like doing my quiet time that I most need to do it!

In light of that discussion, here is an excellent lesson my pastor taught on the topic:

The Importance of Daily Bible Reading

Hardly could be called "legalism," could it?


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